gr8 :)
The University of Washington is taking a completely different tack this year re: OA Week. In the past we concentrated on programming – usually 3-4 programs per year. Had quality speakers, good content (or so said the attendees) and pretty good PR/advertising, but mediocre to bad attendance. This year is a complete change – no formal programs at all. All efforts this year are being put into creation of an extensive exhibit in a high traffic lobby of our main library that will run for most of the month of October, and on advertising the exhibit. Exhibit content will include: journal/book pricing/purchasing history; for-profit vs. not-for-profit pricing and where journal revenue goes in each case; a life cycle of scholarly communication diagram; author rights: Creative Commons licensing; IRs and their use; interactive OA peer review; a glossary of terms used in the exhibit; a “Sticker Shock”-like price comparison; and a “guess the price of this journal” contest (with the journal changing weekly).
Are you going to capture this content?
Definitely going to. At least most of it. We have a publicly available Scholarly Publishing and Open Acccess page. Our exhibit content will be up on a page that will be linked from that top level page, starting sometime next week.
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Open Access Week
in partnership with our
Advisory Committee
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All content subject to a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License unless specified differently by poster. Created by Nick Shockey.
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