Time: October 21, 2013 to October 24, 2013
Country: University of Colorado Boulder
Event Type: outreach
Organized By: Andrew Johnson
Latest Activity: Oct 7, 2013
The University of Colorado Boulder Libraries and United Government of Graduate Students are hosting the following events for Open Access Week 2013:
Open Access Week Kick-Off Event Viewing Party
Sponsored by the United Government of Graduate Students (UGGS)
Monday, 10/21, 12:00PM, ATLAS Lounge (204), webcast begins at 1:00PM
Come watch the SPARC/World Bank Open Access Week Kick-Off Event with other members of the CU-Boulder community! The event features a panel discussion including leading Open Access experts from a variety of sectors, including professional societies, federal offices and agencies, and scholarly publishing.
More information about the webcast can be found here: http://bit.ly/OAWeekKickoff
Snacks and refreshments will be provided!
Researcher and Funding Agency Perspectives on Open Access
Sponsored by the University Libraries
Tuesday, 10/22, 2:00PM, C4C Flatirons Room
Hear researcher and funding agency perspectives on open access policies, innovations in scholarly publishing, expanding views of research impact, and more! An outstanding slate of presenters includes:
Snacks and refreshments will be provided!
10 Easy Steps for Open Scholarship
University Libraries Learner’s Lunch Workshop
Wednesday, 10/23, 12:00PM, Norlin Library E113
Are you maximizing the impact of your scholarship and teaching activities? Open scholarship may broaden access to knowledge and information, reduce costs and enhance the impact of scholarship and education. In this workshop, which is targeted at graduate students and faculty members from any discipline, you will learn easy steps you can take to share your research, make your work discoverable and become an open scholar!
Publisher Perspectives on Open Access
Sponsored by the University Libraries
Thursday, 10/24, 3:00PM, Norlin Library E113
Representatives from major publishers will discuss their experience with open access publishing. A fantastic lineup of speakers includes:
Snacks and refreshments will be provided!
Welcome to
Open Access Week
in partnership with our
Advisory Committee
1 member
35 members
48 members
All content subject to a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License unless specified differently by poster. Created by Nick Shockey.
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