Publishing Returns to the Academy: scientist-authors and publishing: a panel discussion
Sponsored by the MBLWHOI Library
Friday, October 23, 2015
Redfield Auditorium
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution,
Woods Hole, MA USA
Invited Panelists:
- Susan Skomal, BioOne / Elementa Journal
- Michael Markie and Omer Gazit, f1000
- Amy Brand, MIT Press
- Joshua Gray, USCG Academy / Journal of Toxicological Education
Moderator: Heather Goldstone, science editor, WCAI, the Cape and Islands NPR Station
This program will be webcast by the MBLWHOI Library.
Contact for webcast information.
All are welcome!
More information:
This program celebrates International Open Access Week 2015
Twitter hashtag for live questions during the event: #pubacad15

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