Time: October 29, 2017 from 3pm to 6pm
Country: Qatar
Street: Georgetown University room 0A11
City/Town: Doha
Website or Map: https://goo.gl/maps/qefVkoMHV…
Event Type: roundtable
Organized By: Milena Dobreva
Latest Activity: Oct 30, 2017
TO GUARANTEE YOUR ADMISSION PLEASE REGISTER ON https://www.eventbrite.com/e/perspectives-on-open-access-tickets-38932654618
UCL Qatar is collaborating with HBKU Press, Qatar National Library and the Library of Qatar University in bringing together the points of view of representatives of the publishing industry, the library sector, and researchers on open access. It will provide examples from recent developments in Qatar. It is aimed mostly at students and early stage researchers but everyone interested in open access is welcome to join.
This is a unique opportunity to discuss the experiences of those who expand the boundaries of open access in Qatar - and to learn what it means for you both in terms of an increased access to research publications, and wider outreach of your own research. Practical information on the open access vouchers programme of the Qatar National Library will be also provided.
Preliminary programme
Predatory journals:open access commercial direction in competition with elite journals (Dr. Emad Ahmed Mohammed Abushanab, Assoc. Prof., Qatar University)
Beyond open access: the role of libraries in open science (Susan Reilly, Director – Digital Library, Copyright & Licensing, Qatar National Library)
Welcome drinks will be available from 14.30. Light refreshments will be served during the break.
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