Webinar: Making Open Access Agreements More Transparent for Authors

ncreasingly, institutions, consortia, and funders sign agreements with publishers to cover the full or partial cost of Article Processing Charges (APCs) for their authors to publish articles in open access. According to the ESAC market watch, in 2021 over 160,000 articles were published in open access via such agreements. Title lists of eligible journals vary from agreement to agreement and don't always include all of the publisher's journals - which makes it difficult for authors to understand the exact conditions for publishing their articles in open access.

In this webinar, hosted by Romy Beard, Publisher Relations and Business Development Manager at ChronosHub, we will look at four examples of how institutions and publishers present their open access agreements to authors. The webinar will last one hour and will include four short presentations followed by a discussion and time for questions.

Guest speakers:

• Dr. Alwaleed Alkajaja, Senior Intellectual Property Librarian and Open Access Coordinator at the Qatar National Library
• Colleen Campbell, Team Lead for the Open Access Transition and External Affairs at the Max Planck Digital Library
• Christopher Pym, Senior Institutional Engagement Manager at Springer Nature
• Sybille Geisenheyner, Director of Open Science Strategy & Licensing at the American Chemical Society

If you can't attend, don't worry - we'll send everyone who signed up a recording of the webinar.

Time: January 27, 2022 from 3pm to 4pm

Country: 4

Website or Map: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/6616420596611/WN_KTUaQUjkQLuLMlxzXJtEgw

Event Type: webinar