Benefits of OA Publishing

Open Access week offers a valuable opportunity for scholars and the research community to engage with each other, discuss, share, and promote the potential benefits of open access publishing. Open Access research is free to read, copy, reuse and distribute. Studies have shown that open access content attracts more attention than non-open access content.

Benefits of open access publishing include:

  • Increased volume and spread of citations
    Greater public engagement
    Increased interdisciplinary conversation
    Wider collaboration
    Larger & faster impact
    Compliance with open access mandates

AOSIS proudly supports open access publishing. Our journals collection boasts a total of 45 scholarly titlesacross various disciplines, adhering to international standards, quality peer reviews, and publication ethics. At the same time, our indexing services boost our journals’ global reach. Our extensive knowledge, experience, and track record enable us to work with leading tertiary educational institutions and bring you cutting-edge research findings.